
We assist

  • Danish companies accessing complex markets in an orderly way
  • International Companies setting up business in Denmark.

We focus on

  • B2B, Projects, Local Set-up, Partnerships, Dealerships, Trading, and Consulting

We create

  • Solutions for you.

Mission: Create lasting value by mediation of contact between Danish and International companies.


Vision: Be the preferred link between specialised Danish companies and North African & Middle Eastern Investors within energy, technical and environmental fields.

Guidelines in our work:

  • Whatever you are, be a good one (Abraham Lincoln)
  • Who is not striving to improve, stops being good (Niels Høybye)
  • Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts (Winston Churchill)
  • Who always follows in someone else’s footsteps, will never cover new land (Unknown)
  • The only knowledge is knowing that you know nothing (Socrates)

Are you aiming at expanding your international activities?

Namergy is your partner of choice in the process of connecting International and Danish companies. We particularly focus on linking complex markets like North Africa, the Middle East, France, NIS-countries with Denmark.

Hands-on experience; +20 years of experience from creating profitable long-term partnerships while living in North Africa, +15 years in the Middle East and France, in addition to a very well knit web of local contacts in the NIS-countries.

You will benefit from both theoretical know-how and practical field experience from the countries we operate in.